Classic Album Review: “Revival Favorites” by The Goss Brothers

One of my new hobbies lately has been transferring some of my father’s old lps to cd. About a year ago, I heard The Goss Brothers sing “After All” on a video on YouTube, and I fell in love with this group. The Goss boys (James, Roni, and Lari) started singing in the early 1960’s through 1980, due to James tragic death in airplane accident.  Their harmonies and arrangements were so far ahead of their time, (imagine the Booth Brothers in the 60’s)  and still sound fresh today.  I was born in 1984, so unfortunately I was not alive when The Goss Brothers were singing.

I combed through my Dad’s records and sadly found no Goss Brothers albums in his collection. I searched online, and found a few albums, but could not seem to get them. Then a couple months ago, someone at church gave Dad a box full of lp’s (his love of Gospel Music and the stereo in his office at church are known by all), that contained a Goss Brothers album! So I’m so delighted to have this album, now on cd, and to review it here. Revival Favorites seems to be a collection of songs the Brothers sang in many of the churches they appeared at, and is an excellent album.

The recording starts off with the Joel Hemphill penned, Pity The Man, featuring Roni. Roni is featured on the next two songs of the recording, carrying the lead on Will The Cricle Be Unbroken, and a splendid version of the Dottie Rambo classic, He Looked Beyond My Fault. Lari is featured on the next selection, No One Ever Cared Like Jesus. The song features just Lari’s vocal and piano work. Its so cool to hear the familiar Lari Goss piano artistry that is so uniquely his, on record 40 years prior!  His vocal performance is also brilliant, providing just the right touch. The next cut, Empty Hands, is a song that was new to me, yet has become one of my favorites on the record, and what a blend these brothers had! James is featured on the last selection of Side 1, He Touched Me.

Side 2 begins with another one of my favorite cuts, I Shall Be At Home With Jesus. I love the arrangement, and the blend of the brothers on this song. James is featured on the next song, Till The Storm Passes By, and does a superb job. Roni is featured on Fill My Cup, Lord, and turns in a wonderully moving, and powerful vocal. This song is also vocal and piano only, and Lari’s piano work on this track is absolute dynamite. Sometimes It Seems, the next track is another favorite of mine, with Lari & Roni taking the 1st & 2nd verses respectively, and James taking the chorus and ending. This song is a beautiful illustration of their harmony and great arranging. The album ends with a great song & recitation piece, featuring Lari, entitled The King & The Beggar.

All in all, this is an awesome album! I was wondering if I would enjoy this album as much as I thought I would, and it certainly did not disappoint. If you have any of the Goss Brothers music, dust off those old lp’s and give them a listen.  I hope this is not the last Goss Brothers recording I get to hear!